Art in Auschwitz
Exhibition - New Synagogue Berlin, Centrum Judaicum

The exhibition architecture presents two very different types of art that were created by Auschwitz inmates – officially commissioned works and illegally made drawings and sketches. Appearance and reality confront each other. Visitors contemplate paintings requested by the SS, while cuts in the exhibition walls simultaneously draw their gaze to secretly drawn pictures that reflect life as it genuinely was for the inmates.A further central design element of the exhibition is a triangular interlocking tower representing the “camp museum”.
Project information
Client: City of Berlin
Opening: May 2005 (duration: 3 months)
Services rendered: Exhibition architecture, graphic design, lighting design
Area: 555 m2
Project Period: January to May 2005
Opening: May 2005 (duration: 3 months)
Services rendered: Exhibition architecture, graphic design, lighting design
Area: 555 m2
Project Period: January to May 2005
Concept & Supervision: Tom Duncan, Noel McCauley
Design Development & Site Management: Stefan Blaas
Design Assistant: Stephan Schaale
Lighting Design: Tom Duncan, Noel McCauley
Design Development & Site Management: Stefan Blaas
Design Assistant: Stephan Schaale
Lighting Design: Tom Duncan, Noel McCauley